Have you ever tried to lose weight by dieting, only to gain it all back (and then some)? Rest assured, you are not alone. In fact, many people who follow the standard American lifestyle and diet eventually find themselves struggling with chronic disease and weight gain. The truth is, diets don’t work. Why? Because we don’t lose weight to get healthy; we get healthy to lose weight. As a lifestyle physician, I’m here to tell you that you must adopt a lifestyle that permanently balances your hormones and creates an environment that promotes long-term health if you want to lose weight, keep it off, and remain disease-free.


Reset Your Hormones

When it comes to weight loss, hormones play a vital role. The key is to reset them, which means getting the hormones that regulate your weight, like insulin, leptin, and ghrelin, working together the way they are meant to. That way, your hunger is naturally regulated, and your body can burn fat instead of storing it. The first step to resetting your hormones is to remove inflammatory foods from your diet, such as processed foods, sugar, and alcohol. Once you’ve eliminated these things, you can add in nutrient-dense, whole foods that will support hormonal balance, such as leafy greens, healthy fats and proteins, and fermented foods.


Create a New Normal

The second step to achieving sustainable weight loss is to create a new normal for what it means to live to promote health. Instead of thinking of weight loss as a one-time event that requires you to drastically restrict your diet, think of it as a lifelong journey that involves making gradual, sustainable changes to support your overall health. This means creating healthy habits, like getting enough sleep, managing your stress, and moving your body regularly. When you make these changes, you create an environment that promotes long-term health and weight loss becomes a natural byproduct.

Learn How to Eat and Live

The third step is to learn how to eat and live in a way that gets you the results you are looking for. Instead of following a trendy, one-size-fits-all diet, take the time to understand what foods work best for your unique body. This might involve experimenting with different foods, tracking your reactions to specific foods, or working with a coach to help pin point the perfect plan for you. Once you’ve found a way of eating that works for you, focus on adopting a holistic approach to health, rather than just focusing on the number on the scale. This includes things like building a supportive community, practicing mindfulness, and adopting a growth mindset.


Practice Imperfect Progress and Persistence

Finally, it’s important to practice imperfect progress and persistence. Creating a new normal that optimizes your weight and health often involves setbacks along the way. Instead of getting discouraged, try to focus on the progress you’ve made and the habits you’ve formed. You do not have to be perfect your just need to be persistant. Its your willingness to learn new ways of being, and your commitment to continual evolution that will create sustainable results in the way you look, feel and age. Remember that each day is a new opportunity to make choices that support your overall health.

In conclusion, diets don’t work. They are short-term solutions to long-term problems.

If you want to lose weight, keep it off and remain disease-free, you must adopt a lifestyle that permanently balances your hormones and creates an environment that promotes long-term health. This involves resetting your hormones, creating a new normal for what it means to live to promote health, learning how to eat and live in a way that gets you the sustainable results you are looking for, and practicing progress and persistence. By taking these steps, you can achieve sustainable weight loss and create a healthier, happier life for yourself.