
My passion has always been helping people stay healthy and I’ve spent much of my career focused on the science and medical approach to health and healing. I specialize in helping women balance their hormones so they can live a healthy, balanced, vibrant lifestyle.

About Dr. Peoples

I am a Board-Certified Physician in Internal Medicine based out of Atlanta, Georgia specializing in Functional Medicine. I attended Spelman College and then went on to obtain my medical degree at Ohio University College of Osteopathic Medicine.

Why do some people get sick while others remain healthy into old age? This was the question that drove me to pursue a career in medicine.  Osteopathy appealed to me because it allowed me to focus on the whole person. I completed my Residency in Internal Medicine at Alameda County Medical Center, UCSF Affiliate training program, where I focused on strategies in behavioral change through motivational interviewing and health coaching. Following my residency, I taught health promotion at Stanford University’s Cardiovascular Prevention Research Center and worked on worksite wellness and physician burnout. I then obtained additional board certifications in Integrative and Holistic Medicine and certified through the Institute of Functional Medicine.  In addition to my private practice, I have aslo worked as a hospitalist for over 10 years.  At the end of it all, I realized that medications alone don’t make people healthy, but a healthy lifestyle does.

I am a mother to 3 beautiful children, a wife, and a daughter who recognizes the challenges that come with putting health first.  I identify with feelings of doing it all, but somehow still feeling like I am not doing enough. I realized that if I wanted to help women like me stay healthy as we aged, I was going to have to make it simple and practical. Taking care of yourself shouldn’t be hard but when you have a million things vying for your attention at some point you have to become intentional about taking care of yourself. My practice aims to help you do this so that you can actually get healthier, stronger, more vibrant as you age.

About Chatela (Your Certified Health Coach)

Chatela graduated from the University of Georgia where she studied biochemistry and molecular biology while conducting undergraduate research on muscular dystrophy. During this time, she was first introduced to the study of nutrition and how we are affected by the foods we eat. After graduation, she spent the next five years traveling the world as a flight attendant with Delta Air Lines and exploring the field of investment real estate. After becoming a mother her true passion of seeing others not simply survive but truly thrive during their lifetime was ignited which led her to becoming a health coach.

As a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Chatela empowers individuals to implement sustainable lifestyle changes so that they can begin experiencing optimal health. She is extremely passionate about helping you understand the importance of self-care, nourishing your body from the inside out, high vibrational mindset shifts and living in harmony with your environment. In her personal time, Chatela loves to spend time with her children, read, curate herbal tea blends, weight train and most importantly continuously evolve into the best version of herself.

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Dr. Nicole Peoples is a Board-Certified Physician based out of Atlanta, Georgia specializing in Functional Medicine.