Getting started can sometimes be the hardest part of any journey. We usually know what it is we need to change about our habits to ensure that we will live a long healthy life. Why is it then that we find ourselves continuing to make unhealthy choices? If you have asked yourself the same question, continue reading. . .

1)   Health is not a destination it is a journey.

Good health is not something you will arrive at one day. It’s made up of all the tiny decisions you make every day. Instead of a, “I’ll wait until Monday and then start my new diet”, sort of mentality we should have a mindset that says, “My life is happening right now and whether or not I am healthy and live a fulfilled life will depend on the decisions I make today!”

Life is happening now!

Now there is a difference between being too stressed out from temporary life circumstances or wanting to enjoy the holidays. But if you always find yourself saying, today isn’t a good day or I’ll started eating healthier tomorrow, then it may be time to remind yourself of what is really important. Remember, life is happening now and there is no better time than the present to get started!

2) You don’t have to be perfect.

Don’t think you have to do everything “right” all of the time. The most important thing when you make a mistake is that you get back up and keep trying. If you are diligent you will begin to see the benefits of your healthy choices and they will turn into habits.

3)   What works for one person may not work for you.

Everyone seems to think they know what it takes to be at optimal health. However, what may work for your mother may not work for you. Our bodies, our environmental exposures, and our circumstances are all different. This can make finding healthy habits that “fit you” challenging. You will need to experiment with different ways of cooking, etc. to find what is right for you. So be patient.

4) Whole foods promote Health. Processed foods promote disease.

When determining what to eat or which diet to follow, ensure the core of your foods are whole foods. Whole foods are foods that are in their natural forms, the way you would find them in nature. Examples would be fruits, vegetables, whole grains, animal protein, beans, etc.  Processed foods are foods that have been altered from their original forms and generally contain unhealthy additives. Examples would be pastas, cereals, breads, cakes, canned soups, deli meats, etc.

5) Staying active is important!

“Exercising” is not for everyone, but movement is! Whether you prefer walking, dancing, playing with your children, doing house work, or going to the gym. . . everyone needs to move as much as possible. Our culture is a sedentary one that does not promote health and longevity.

6) A good night’s sleep is not just for babies.

Truly good sleep is restorative and regenerative. Over time, lack of sleep will alter your metabolism, energy, thoughts, and looks. So in order to keep your body functioning properly it is important to get at least 7 hours of sleep per night.

7) Laugh, love, and be optimistic.

Positive emotions and human connections actually have a physical impact on your health. They affect your cells, hormones, nerve connections, and other bodily functions. So try laughing with your best friend, loving more deeply, and looking at the bright side of things more often!

8) Limit exposure to harmful toxins.

Toxins found in medications, environmental chemicals, certain foods, and cosmetic additives can be harmful to our bodies. We can’t avoid all toxins, but it is important to be aware of where they may be hiding and try to limit our exposure to them.

Hopefully these tips have been helpful and can be a good starting point for you as you begin your journey toward a healthier life. Let us know if there is any way that we can assist you on your journey. We would be more than happy to help!

Also, comment below if you have any healthy living tips for people that are just starting out. Thanks!