Ladies and Gentlemen it is time to get it together! We are not victims of our bodies and well being. We are in total control so act like it! Start by choosing your food wisely, not by impulse. If you still think that a Big Mac with Fries and a Soda is lunch then you are way behind the times. Part of being healthy and sexy is about planning, strategy and enjoying it. Food shouldn’t be an after thought. If it is, then the stakes are too high! In exchange for eating mindlessly you are committing yourself (your mate and children) to a life burdened with obesity, chronic disease, medication dependency, surgeries and rapid aging.  Staying active, managing your stress and avoiding toxins whenever possible are also key to maintaining you health.

Sexy is not about looking a certain way or about being a certain weight. Healthy is Sexy because its sexy to feel good about yourself, to walk into a room with confidence, avoiding chronic illness or having to take medications everyday of the rest of your life. Learning to adopt healthy habits is the only key to graceful aging without diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, heart attacks, strokes and much more. These diseases are NOT the result of getting older, they are the result of poor health CHOICES. Yes, in the majority of cases your health comes down to your choices!

So lets get started making the changes to get your sexy back!!