What is a Clinical Detoxification?

Clinical Detoxification (CD) is the process of optimizing the bodies own detoxification mechanisms for the elimination of environmental and food toxins through providing adequate nutrition. It is often combined with an elimination diet where allergenic foods are also eliminated.

Done correctly, CD can lead to improvement of multiple physical symptoms and improved health. For people with medical issues or on medication, it is important that they are followed by a licensed clinical professional (MD, DO, ND) who can monitor their vital signs and labs over the course of the process and be able to adjust medications as necessary.

In some circumstances the practitioner may order certain labs to identify heavy metal toxicity. For those with suspected or confirmed heavy metal toxicity may undergo chelation therapy.

Describe a typical clinical detoxification program?

A thorough clinical detoxification should consist of several components and should be tailored to the individual. Here are a few components that may be included in a standard program.

  1. Identification of an individuals toxic exposures and resultant symptoms
  2. Testing (blood, urine and or stool) to help identify certain toxins (typically heavy metals)
  3. Close monitoring of any personal health issues and medications (i.e. diabetes, hypertension etc. as medication requirements may change during the detox)
  4. Emphasis on detoxifying foods
  5. Elimination of allergenic foods
  6. Addition of a detoxifying nutrients or medical foods to enhance detoxification
  7. Focus on stress reduction, increased sleep and water intake
  8. Journaling

What are toxins?

In clinical detoxification, toxins include substances that lead to adverse symptoms or disease in the body. These can include but not limited to

  1. Heavy Metals
    1. Mercury
    2. Lead
    3. Cadmium
  2. Food Additives
    1. Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)
    2. Dyes
    3. Preservatives
  3. Environmental
    1. Bisphosphenyl A (BPA)
    2. Persistant Organic Pollutants (POPs)

Certain foods may also act as toxins in the body. These may also be referred as food sensitivities.

  1. Sugar
  2. Gluten
  3. Dairy

Who should undergo a clinical detoxification

I recommend a detoxification with elimination diet to anyone with any medical conditions as a first step. People are always surprised to see what symptoms will improve when drastic changes are made to ones diet. I also recommend this for healthy individuals who are wanting to optimize their health.

What foods should I eliminate during a clinical detoxification

  1. Dairy
  2. Gluten
  3. Egg
  4. Sugar
  5. Flour
  6. Caffeine and alcohol
  7. Processed foods
  8. Chemically Refined oils (corn, soy, or safflower, sunflower, corn oil, cottonseed oil, and mixed vegetable oils)

What foods should be emphasized

  1. Variety of vegetables (organic when possible)
  2. Farm raised and grass fed meats
  3. Legumes (beans)
  4. Expeller pressed unrefined oils (olive, grape seed, coconut)
  5. Filtered Water (1/2 your body weight (kg) in ounces/day) [ex:150lbs = 68kg = 68 oz of water/day)

What foods specifically support detoxification

  1. Cruciferous vegetables
  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Garlic
  • Onion
  • Brussel spouts
  • Green Leafy Vegetables (kale, collards, spinach etc)

What supplements should I take to support detoxification

  1. Fiber
  2. Fish oil
  3. Vitamin D
  4. Probiotics
  5. Vitamin C
  6. Others
  • Glutathione
  • N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC)